Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V.

The FeM-Net


The FeM-Net is a project of the Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. (FeM). With more than 2900 connected computers it is one of the largest self-organized student campus networks in Germany. The FeM e.V. closely cooperates with the Rechenzentrum of the TU Ilmenau and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen in the construction and operation of the FeM-Net.


The FeM-Net not only provides students of TU Ilmenau with a fast connection to the internet, but also forms the foundation for various projects of FeM e.V. Among those are the streaming of lectures, research into IPv6 networks, construction of our custom Wifi solution, and many other projects.


The FeM-Net is extended and maintainted by the members of our Network-Department. Our Administrators are responsible for user-issues and are happy to help in word and deed.