Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V.


The Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. can be contacted in various ways.

Postal address:

Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V.
Max-Planck-Ring 6d
98693 Ilmenau


Phone: +49 3677 691929
Telefax: +49 3677 692358


Helpdesk - (Contact form)

If you have problems with your internet or other questions about your membership, the fastest way to contact us is via our ticket system Helpdesk.

Info - (Contact form)

If you have general questions about the association, or if you don't know where to ask, you've certainly come to the right place.

Board of Directors -

Via this mailing list you can reach the current board of FeM e.V. Mails to this mailing list will be treated confidentially if desired.

Abuse -

Standard mailing list for complaints about our network. So if you have been hacked by a computer from our network, you've come to the right place.

Management -

This mailing list is used to discuss a large part of the association's administration. Starting with voice mail and orders through to work processes and the like.

Member administration/Administration - (Contact form)

This mailing list is primarily used for membership administration of FeM e.V. and administration of the FeM-Net user ports. If you have a problem with your FeM-Net connection or membership of the association, this is probably the best place to go.

Site plan of FeM office

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